History of Thai Department

The Department of Thai Language has been founded since 1989. It started offering major courses at a post-graduate diploma level program in 1997 and part-time in the morning in 2000 . The Bachelor degree program started in 2010. The department also offers proficiency courses in Thai language in the evening under Centre for Human Resource Development. At Thai Department currently has 1 Head of the Department, 5 Lecturers, 1 Assistant Lecturer and 7 Tutors. 5 native teachers are also provided by Naresuan University. The overall courses offered include Intensive Thai speaking and listening skills, reading and writing skills, translation and interpretation, language through literature, culture, linguistics in Thai, culture, religion and other aspects of thematic courses. The learners get the chance to practice the skills with a native teachers. In recent years, the Department of Thai sent outstanding students to the universities for study tour with the help of the TICA. For instance, the fourth year Thai specialization undergrads had the opportunities to join internship programme. The graduates are engaged in teaching and translation work of Thai literature and culture in respective foreign colleges, universities and companies. Most of them have got the positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thai Company and Thai Embassy.

Faculty Member of Thai Department

Name : Daw Su Su Khin
Position : Associate Professor & Head
Area of Interest : Sociolinguistics
Email : [email protected], [email protected]

Name : Daw Me Me Tin
Position : Associate Professor
Area of Interest : Writing Text Book, Research
Email : [email protected]
daw aye aye kyin
Name : Daw Aye Aye Kyin
Position : Associate Professor
Area of Interest : Teaching, Reading, Research
Email : [email protected]

Daw May Thaw Han
Name : Daw May Thaw Han
Position : Lecturer
Area of Interest : Teaching & Learning, Analytical Skill Research, Culture history,
Psychology social sciences
Email : [email protected]
Daw Wai Yi Khine
Name : Daw Wai Yee Khine
Position : Assistant Lecturer
Educational Background : M.A (Philosophy)
Area of Interest : Folklore, cultural studies, folktales, literature, Research Methodology,
Analysis, Psychology, Folk medicine, Folk life and Foods, Social
Science,Social Culture
Email : [email protected]

Name : Daw Shun Lae Win
Position : Assistant Lecturer
Area of Interest : –
Email : –
Name : Daw Than Thar Su
Position : Assistant Lecturer
Educational Background : M.A (Philosophy)
Area of Interest : Teaching & Learning, Analytical Skill Research, Culture history,
Psychology social sciences
Email : [email protected]

Daw Thinzar Win Hlaing
Name : Daw Thinzar Win Hlaing
Position : Assistant Lecturer
Area of Interest : –
Email : –
Daw Khine Khine Htike
Name : Daw Khine Khine Htike
Position : Assistant Lecturer
Area of Interest : –
Email : –

Name : Daw Thet Su Mon
Position : Tutor
Area of Interest : Teaching & Learning Research IT Literature
Email : [email protected]
Name : Daw Phyu Yati Thin
Position : Tutor
Area of Interest : Literature, History Teaching & Learning Research Culture, Tradition
Email : [email protected]

Name : Daw Htet Htet Win
Position : Tutor
Area of Interest : Teaching & Learning Sociolinguistics Literature and Culture Studies Social Science Research
Email : [email protected]