Department History

Department of Italian was first established in 1970s and it was closed in 1980. In 2013, former Italian Ambassador, Ms. Jolanda Brunetti proposed to the government of Italy to re-establish the department of Italian at the University of Foreign Languages. After following the necessary procedures, the Ministry of Education in Myanmar accepted to re-establish the Department of Italian in October 2014.

In this way, the Department of Italian was opened on 18th February, 2015. The first Italian teacher is Mr.Giuseppe Pogliari, with Daw Khin May Win (former professor and head of the department of French, Mandalay UFL) and Daw Mie Mie Pyone, (Head of the department of French). There are altogether 26 students in First year Full-Time class. At first, only post-graduate diploma full-time classes were opened in order to recruit local teachers as soon as possible.

Now, 3 batches of Italian diploma have already obtained the diploma of Italian language. After six months of the establishment, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs awarded the 3 months scholarships to three students. They went to Siena, Italy and studied Italian language.

For the second batch, 2 students have got the scholarship of Erasmus Mundus and they went to Sapienza University, Rome, Italy for 10 months. At the same time, another two students got six months scholarship of Erasmus plus and one student got the scholarship of the Italy Ministry of Foreign Affairs and went to study to Siena University for 3 months.

For the third batch, 3 students went to Siena University for 3 months course, 2 students went to Sapienza University for six months course and another two students went to Siena University for nine months course. From October 2018, Italian language course was opened for CHRD.

For the time being, two native teachers and one part-time professor are working under the management of Daw Wah Wah Htay (Associate Professor and Head of the department of Italian).

Faculty Member of Italian Department

daw war war htay
Name : Daw Wah Wah Htay
Position : Associate Professor & Head of Italian Department
Educational Background : –
Area of Interest : Language Teaching, Literature, History, Culture, Linguistics and Research
Email : [email protected]

daw khin may win
Name : Daw Khin May Win
Position : Part-time Professor
Educational Background : –
Area of Interest : Language Teaching, Literature
Email : [email protected]
daw mie mie phyone
Name : Daw Mie Mie Pyone
Position : Associate Professor
Educational Background :
Area of Interest : Literature, Linguistics
Email : [email protected]

Giulia Gamba
Name : Giulia Gamba
Position : Part-time lecturer
Educational Background :
Area of Interest : –
Email : [email protected]
Linda Giutini
Name : Linda Giutini
Position : Part-time lecturer
Educational Background :
Area of Interest : –
Email : [email protected]